Tuesday 30 August 2011

Annal 58: Tale from the Falling Books

My amazing friends had a going-away party for me tonight and it was spectacular.  They chose a literary theme for it, and so as I walked up the stairs to my friend's apartment there were quotes from favourite authors and novels lining the walls.  We played literary charades, matched quotes with their novels, I re-enacted the ending of Emma, and had a wonderful time.  Each friend brought a book they had enjoyed and gave it to me (meaning my library has now wonderfully increased).  Truly it was an exquisite evening.

The apartment was decorated with hanging books.

The books then attacked me.

One of the highlights of the evening?  The wedding card one friend included with her book.

Can I really argue with a picture of Lizzie and Darcy where my face is photo-shopped in?  Does it get much better than that? 

Okay, I'm sure it does.  For example, should I actually have my own wedding picture where my face has not been photo-shopped in would truly be a glorious thing!  Until such a time as God deems me ready, however, I shall cherish this image... and possibly keep it on my nightstand!

Such is the life of a Christian single.

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