Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Annal 84: Tale from the Halloween Bash

As per usual, I proved my epic coolness last night.  It was Halloween, and my sister, her boyfriend, his cousin, and I all decided to dress up as the a World of Warcraft party (a party simply refers to a group of players who join forces to defeat dungeons or more difficult quests).  My sister was a rogue, her boyfriend a mage, his cousin a warrior, and I was a hunter.

Yes, that would be my sister's map of Middle Earth in the background.

Did we have fun?  Most definitely.  Was it dorky?  Typically things I find fun are!

Alas, today required me to return to the real world.  It is November, which means that within the next 4-5 weeks all of my major papers will be due, not to mention the need to study for finals (I have 6 this semester, when in the past I have only had to worry about 2... blast that taking of first year courses!).  I am also heading into my second set of midterms which begin Friday.  So for the next month I fear I will be dealing with that constant nagging feeling often associated stress.

Which means I may have random days of being a basket case.

Who needs PMS when you can have school instead?

See, some days I lament being single, while other days I think God is just trying to do some poor sucker out there a favour by not saddling him up to me just yet.

To be honest, I don't think I actually get all that bad, but my imagination has been running rampant this week, and my tendency to over-exaggerate is definitely making an appearance.  I find imagination is the key to surviving stress.  So when I feel like I can study factors contributing to mass wasting no longer, I stare at my sister's map and suddenly find myself transported to some other world, a world where I can be brave and beautiful, and where I can help others save the day.

Then I am brought back to reality by a sudden burst of chills accompanying a stuffed nose and sore throat, which remind me that I am stressed, which in turn reminds me that I really should get back to studying.

At which point I will try to imagine that I am not really studying, but am just meeting someone for coffee to discuss important aspects of natural hazards.  And if that someone wants to occupy my entire week by having coffee and discussing these hazards, then by all means, let them do so.

Do you see what I have become?  What dire straits I must go to?

What's a girl to do?

Such is the life of a Christian single.


  1. You're costume was genius. And I want that map :)
    And too much studying is medically proven to be bad for your health...so don't forget to kick back with some hot chocolatey goodness, or whatever is your fav drink and relaxxx too!!!

  2. Oh, there has been many a cup of cocoa to get me through some evenings of schoolwork! But the stress has paid off, and some alien form of motivation previously unknown to be has made it possible for a time of great leisure right now... including the re-reading of Mansfield Park.

    And I'm glad you liked the costume... I wish I could have grabbed a photo of my sister--her's was AMAZING (especially since, on top of that map, she also owns Aragorn's dagger)
