Saturday, 16 July 2011

Annal 40: Tale from Bing

Confession time.  One of the men I find the most attractive is Bing Crosby.  Yes, I realize he is dead and that he made movives roughly sixty years ago, but I still find him quite wonderful.  Truth be told I think this has a lot to do with his crooner voice.  That and the fact that he stars in my favourite Christmas movies and always plays such a wonderful hero.

This confession leads me to yet another confession.  I love Christmas and not in the traditional "Yay-it's-December-first-now-I-can-put-up-my-tree" way.  More in the "What-do-you-mean-I-can't-keep-the-tree-up-all-year" way.  I bring this up because I found myself longing for my favourite holiday while working the early shift in the deli today.  Perhaps this was because I worked until eight last night and started back at four-thirty this morning, or perhaps it has to do with the fact that I feel like I haven't seen the sun for about two or three weeks (it has been a rather wet summer thus far), but regardless, I was wishing for Christmas.  This then resulted in my singing Christmas carols, ranging from "White Christmas" (thus the thought train of Bing) to my own deli version of "Jingle Bells."

Yeah, if I ever begin to wonder why I'm single, the fact that I have rewritten "Jingle Bells" to work in a deli setting is probably a good indicator.  Why?  Because I actually dedicated a shift to coming up with wording that rhymed.  And so between the hours of four-thirty a.m. and one p.m. I could be found singing and dancing throughout the deli to Christmas carols.

Somedays I realize how happy I am that God loves me.  Despite my quirks, oddities, and unusual personality traits, He still loves me.  He probably shakes His head at me and sighs, but He loves me!

Such is the life of a Christian single.

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