Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Annal 78: Tale from Chairman Mao

I think it is safe to say that I have proved to myself this week while I am still single.  And it is definitely related to by epic "coolness" factor.

This week has been a little crazy.  I had a midterm yesterday and have one tomorrow, plus my youngest sister and oldest nephew are coming up tomorrow.  My parents are going out of town, so my sister and I are watching these two for about ten days.  I am incredibly excited about this, especially since we are having a little birthday party for my oldest nephew since he turned five today.  But it also means that the three papers I have due next week I have been trying to get done this week so that I only have to edit them while they're up.  I finally finished my last one this morning, so now I just have to study for my midterm, and prepare some information for my topic for a Victorian Lit. presentation.  Did I mention the presentation is on bigamy?  Very exciting.

I discovered that one coping mechanism I have is to play World of Warcraft while studying.  I would study for half an hour or so, and then let myself play for half an hour.  For anyone out there who may read this and actually plays WoW, I started referring to Northrend as my winter home, and began thinking it would be awfully nice to stop there for a pint in between battling monsters and studying.  For those of you who don't play the game, suffice to say that this does not help me with removing my single status.

My other mechanism involved some alliteration ("Cultural Revolution, Cult of Mao, Confucianism") and then evolved into taking events from Chinese politics and applying them to my life.  I compared the competitive examinations of civil servants during the Han Dynasty, and how it allowed for social mobility while really only being open to those with money, to my education.  University is open to 'everyone' but sadly the costs make it difficult for 'everyone' to be able to go.

Yeah, I'm really cool aren't I?

And now... now I am lying on my couch, scarf around my neck, blanket over me, space heater beside me, taking a break while going through my archaeology notes for tomorrows midterm.  Oh, and I have multiple candles lit at the same time.  Might as well make studying romantic, right?

Ultimately, I think this is a cry for help.  I think I need help.  My brain is constantly spinning, and I am fairly certain I left my sanity somewhere.

And I wonder why I'm still single?

Such is the life of a Christian single.


  1. I've missed commenting on your posts. And I'm back with a good one. :)

    I've never played WoW. I have however heard of people playing WoW online and meeting their future spouse....hmmm. Lol.

    Candles make the pain of studying bearable.

    Thank you for your prayers and comments. I am truly grateful and blessed.


  2. It is so wonderful to have you back! You have no idea how excited I was to see your post appear, and to 'hear' your voice again! You were sorely missed, Miss365, sorely missed indeed!!!!

  3. Ah, bigamy. I remember researching that myself in school. The Inquisition in colonial Mexico had nothing better to do than persecute women who broke off engagements and married other guys.

  4. All the novels we are reading for Victorian Lit. contain some form of bigamy (or attempted bigamy as we have started calling it). It is always interesting to watch the ways it is viewed in society, and how it seems to taint certain people more than others, like how it was okay for men to have mistresses (we dubbed this legal bigamy), but a woman who had been a bigamist was declared insane. Go figure.
