Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Annal 25: Tale from my Quirk-o-Meter

I’m a little weird.
Just when I start to think I’m verging on becoming normal, I have a moment that reminds me that my nutty level is still quite high.  Interestingly enough it is again at the hands of my students that I am reminded of this.
My students had a free write for journal yesterday and one of them asked me for a name.  Now I need to explain something here: I have a fetish.  My mother looks up real estate, my sister collected rocks, my dad organizes his books according to category (ie. Christian living, Church history, etc), and I research names.  I have a thing about names that are a little different, and I will often spend time on baby name websites looking up names and their meanings.  So when I am asked by a student for help coming up with a name, I’m usually fairly capable in that.  Yesterday’s suggestion was Maher-shalal-hash-baz.  It’s  a biblical name and can be found in Isaiah 8:1.  I informed my students that it’s the name of one of my stuffed animals; I call him Murray for short.
Yeah, I know... I scream cool right now, don’t I?  Apparently my students thought so too because their response (after acknowledging how cool it was that I could even spout this name) was to say, “We kind of feel bad for your kids, Ms. S.”  I would love to say that this is the first time I have ever heard this; but it’s not.  Their second response?  “What will happen if you marry a guy who likes plain names?”  Yeah, I’m touched by their concern too.
The result of this entire conversation?  One student wrote a journal entry about me.  In it my currently non-existent boyfriend broke up with me, but when I woke up the next morning I had multiple super hero abilities (I had strength, telepathy, and I think I even flew).  The story ended with me kicking some villain’s butt.
The moral of this story?  Maybe I’m weird, and maybe people pity me because I like different names, and maybe my quirk-o-meter is constantly registering at a higher level than other people, but regardless, my students think I have the capacity to be a super hero.  It works.
Such is the life of a Christian single.


  1. There are about a zillion movies about Superheroes at the moment. I'd say there's something to be learned from that ;)


  2. That is what I am hoping! I figure most superheroes were pretty quirky and odd, so I must stand a decent change :D
